Entries by Zach Springer

5 Impeccable Practice Principles

Recently I attended the Raleigh Open Longsword Tournament, hosted by Triangle Sword Guild. I had a blast. The format allowed everyone to get in many fights with a large amount of people, which I loved. I was pretty satisfied with my performance except for one problem I repeatedly encountered: I kept missing targets… My thrust […]

Competition Mindset

  I’m in a room with a couple dozen fighters and staff. On the other side of the double doors are more than 100 people eager to watch the finals of Longpoint 2017. Someone calls my name and I stage just on the other side of those doors, moments away from all those eyes. What […]


  I, the tiger, am so swift to run and to wheel That even the bolt from the sky cannot overtake me. ~Fiore de’i Liberi~                Whether you’re darting out and in for a quick nachreisen, defending against an attack, or following on with one of your own, the ability to quickly adjust your body position […]

Why You Should Half Squat

You’ve heard it. You’ve probably heard it a dozen times or more. The scoffs and side-eyed gazes that come when someone only goes down halfway are common in a gym.  You HAVE to squat to parallel EVERY TIME. That’s not true, especially for most weapons-based HEMA. Let me explain. When developing your training plan, one […]